(Posted to the McGaughPTA Blogspot only)
To anyone following this blog feed via RSS or on the web, the McGaugh PTA Blogspot Account will be closing. No further postings will be made on this account. Please follow McGaugh school news and updates at the new website - http://www.mcgaughconnect.com/
Thank you.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind
Just because it is summer doesn't mean the PTA isn't still on the job. While your McGaugh PTA is preparing for the next school year here in Seal Beach, your California State PTA is watching the state budget process and how it might affect education. For further information and their analysis, you can read their latest Legislative Information Alert and the CA PTA website.
Now enjoy your summer, and we look forward to seeing you back at the school beside the ocean on Wednesday, August 31st.
(As of sending, that is just 63 days according to the countdown clock on McGaughConnect.com)
Presenting - McGaugh Connect
Your McGaugh Volunteer Organizations are pleased to present McGaughConnect.com!
We hope to make McGaughConnect a helpful tool in conjunction with the official school website in keeping you informed about our school, the district, and the non-profit organizations that operate together to help make McGaugh great. McGaugh Connect is part of our ongoing efforts to keep you informed and included in all that goes on at our school. Although the website is ready to be viewed, some of the features of McGaughConnect will be rolling out over the summer as the 2011-12 school year approaches.
Some features of McGaughConnect.com:
Thank you for all you do for our school and students. Have a great last week, an awesome summer, and we look forward to seeing you when we return on August 31st.
We hope to make McGaughConnect a helpful tool in conjunction with the official school website in keeping you informed about our school, the district, and the non-profit organizations that operate together to help make McGaugh great. McGaugh Connect is part of our ongoing efforts to keep you informed and included in all that goes on at our school. Although the website is ready to be viewed, some of the features of McGaughConnect will be rolling out over the summer as the 2011-12 school year approaches.
Some features of McGaughConnect.com:
- Sea Lion Spotlight will feature articles about or by our amazing students
- Feature the Teacher will feature articles about or by our top-notch McGaugh staff
- Calendar of McGaugh events
- Volunteer Opportunities helping the school, PTA, and Project SEEK
- Fundraising information for seasonal and ongoing fundraising efforts
Thank you for all you do for our school and students. Have a great last week, an awesome summer, and we look forward to seeing you when we return on August 31st.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Reflections 2010-2011
Thank you to all of the students that participated in the PTA Reflections program last year. Reflections is a national PTA program that inspires students to express themselves through a variety of media and increases awareness of the importance of the arts in education.
The fifth graders who had entries on display have picked them up from the media center/computer lab, but we would like to continue to display the entries of the kindergarten through 4th graders until the fall when we receive the next set of entries. If, however, you would like your child's artwork from this years program returned now, just drop me an email or stop by the media center and talk to one of the teachers in the media center and pick up your child's artwork before the school year is out. We'd love to continue to display it, however, and their artwork will be returned when the new entries are posted.
***The theme for 2011-2012 PTA Reflections is "DIVERSITY MEANS…". This is a great summer project! You can work on an entry in photography, dance choreography, film/video production, literature, musical composition, and visual arts.
The guidelines for the entries are posted at www.capta.org/reflections.
The entries for the school level are due usually in mid-October in order for the competition to continue to a national level throughout the school year. You will receive more information from the Reflections Chair in the fall.
Thank you!
Michelle Samuelson
2010-2011 Reflections Chair
Monday, June 6, 2011
Lost and Found Turnaround
Parents please come check the Lost & Found for your child's missing jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc.
Any items not collected by the end of this week (Friday, June 10th) will be donated to charity.
The Lost & Found room is located next to the lunch tables.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Seeking All 5th Grade Parents
5th Grade Parents - It's Party Time!
(Invitations are coming home June 3rd!)
Monday, June 13TH 6 p.m. UNTIL????
No need to reply if you have recently been contacted
Friday, June 3, 2011
McGaugh PTA Year End Survey
Please take a moment to fill out a short survey for the J.H. McGaugh Elementary PTA. Your input is invaluable as we prepare for the new school year.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Box Tops for Education
Project SEEK is proud to announce the return of
Box Tops for Education at McGaugh!
With Box Tops for Education, McGaugh can earn up to $20,000 just by turning in the tabs from the products you already buy, from food to office supplies. So start saving those tops now, or shop online through the Box Tops Marketplace. Box Tops collection boxes will be placed in the Main Office and the Media Center for convenience. And check out these activities worksheets to make collecting Box Tops fun for the whole family, even over the summer!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Meeting and Installation Luncheon Thursday
McGaugh PTA Members,
Thursday will be the final PTA Membership meeting of the school year, and there is still plenty to discuss. Most immediately, there is a motion before the membership regarding the school gift:
It is moved that the McGaugh PTA carry over any funds, in excess of committed funds and normal yearly reserve funds, to be gifted next year at the direction of school administration and discretion of the membership.
Among other topics, we will be discussing next year's activities and budget proposal, and an exciting new online experience for McGaugh families. All members are welcome at the meeting portion at Walt's Wharf at 11:00 am; you do not need to stay and pay to attend the luncheon, although you are of course welcomed to RSVP by tomorrow.
Thursday will be the final PTA Membership meeting of the school year, and there is still plenty to discuss. Most immediately, there is a motion before the membership regarding the school gift:
It is moved that the McGaugh PTA carry over any funds, in excess of committed funds and normal yearly reserve funds, to be gifted next year at the direction of school administration and discretion of the membership.
Among other topics, we will be discussing next year's activities and budget proposal, and an exciting new online experience for McGaugh families. All members are welcome at the meeting portion at Walt's Wharf at 11:00 am; you do not need to stay and pay to attend the luncheon, although you are of course welcomed to RSVP by tomorrow.
2011-12 School Supply Packs at Huge Savings
Attention McGaugh Parents
Huge Savings!!!
New this year! McGaugh Elementary School will be joining Brick By Brick Education Fund and Office Depot in a pilot program to launch a new national school supply savings program.
For the 2011-2012 school year, McGaugh families will be given the opportunity to purchase school supply kits directly from Brick By Brick Education Fund. In doing so, McGaugh families will save on average 44% per kit. Kits will be delivered to your child's teacher the first week of school.
Attached is our new order form. Hard copy of this order form AND grade level supply list will be sent home with your student in the next couple of days. So be on the look out!
Don't be late and miss out on this GREAT savings opportunity!! Turn in your order by June 14th.
For any questions or comments please contact:
Suzanne Guillen Farwell
School Supply Mom
Partnering with:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Enjoy the View
McGaugh Families,
Please take time to walk down our main walkway and see our beautiful tiles that are finally hung for the world to see. Although it was a long time in coming to reality, through the help of our own "Mr. C" Michael Clements and the Crivello Family, all of the tiles are placed beautifully on the Media Center Wall. I want to publicly thank both families for their time and commitment to the task. I am sincerely grateful to see the tiles shining in the sunlight.
Thank you, Daryle Palmer, Bill MacDonald, the staff, students, and families at McGaugh
Daryle A. Palmer
Principal, McGaugh Elementary School
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Hot Off the Presses
201 Eighth Street · Seal Beach · CA 90740 · 596.1404 ph · e: sbtv03@gmail.com · www.sbtv3.org
Funded by the Seal Beach Cable Communications Foundation
The programs shot during the school year 2010 - 2011 are:
3rd Grade Concert (November 2010)
1st Grade Concert (Jan 2011)
Pageant of the Arts (April 2011)
4th Grade Concert (June 2011 – will be available in summer '11)
These programs are available to order now.
Please email your information to: sbtv03@gmail.com.
And all other programs shot by SBTV-3
during the previous years are also available to order.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Open House is Thursday
Open House at McGaugh
Thursday, May 26th
All students are released from school at 12:25
Doors for the classrooms open at 6:30p.m. until 8:00
The Book Fair is open throughout the week and during Open House until 8:30p.m.
Daryle A. Palmer
Principal, McGaugh Elementary School
Dining for McGaugh - May
It's Dining For McGaugh Night At The Abbey!
The kids are almost out of school and summer is almost here! Why cook on Tuesday Night......Instead, come to The Abbey on Main Street for take-out or dine-in! Dining for McGaugh will get 20% of your food and non-alcoholic beverage purchases. Come relax with the family, meet friends and have fun! You won't want to miss out on their favorite food items; The Abbey Burger, Super Sliders, or Pizza from the wood-burning oven!
No Flier Needed.....Just let your server know you are from McGaugh!
Date: Tuesday, May 24th
Time: 11:30 am - 8:00 pm
The Abbey at 306 Main Street
Seal Beach ~ (562) 799-4246
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Prepare for Fun
Family Fun Night!
Please join
friends and teachers
on Friday, June 10, from 5 to 7 p.m.
for an end-of-year ice cream social. Your
favorite flavors and toppings will be provided
free of charge by the PTA, and Mrs. Palmer will be
on hand to dish out lots of hugs and handshakes,
as she prepares to retire from education and enter
a new chapter of her life. Come enjoy a scoop
on us, catch up with friends and neighbors,
and wish Mrs. Palmer a fond farewell.
We are the greatest YeeHaw McGaugh We are the
greatest YeeHaw McGaugh One and all we're
walking tall At the school beside the ocean
that's the coolest of them all We are the
greatest YeeHaw McGaugh We are the
greatest YeeHaw McGaugh One and
all we're walking tall At the school
beside the ocean that's the cool
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test YeeHaw McGaugh We ar
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Gaugh One and all we're
walking tall At the sch
ool beside the ocean
that's the coolest
of them all We
are the gre
atest Yee
Friday, June 10, 5 to 7 p.m.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Help Us Show Our Appreciation
Parents! We need your help!!!!
Teacher's Appreciation Week (TAW)
JUNE 6-10
For the supply day (Tuesday, June 7th) we will present the teachers with gift bags of supplies! In order to do this, we need to collect supplies! We are looking for donations that our wonderful teachers use regularly:
Post-its (any color or size)
Glue & Glue Sticks,
Paper Clips
3M Mounting Strips
Large Pink Pearl Erasers
Note Cards (Thank You Notes)
Black and Colored Sharpies
Dry Erase Markers
Reams of Copy Paper
This year we are trying to focus on supplies, and we need your donations to make this day a success! Supplies will be distributed on Tuesday, June 7th. All donations can be brought to the office and placed in the box marked "TAW". Supplies need to be in the office by Thursday, June 3rd.
Also, if anyone is interested in donating items for a raffle, please let us know! We are looking for items such as Lakeshore Learning Gift Cards or other items that can be useful in the classroom. Cash donations will also be accepted to be put towards these raffle items. You can leave all cash or gift card donations in the office in the appropriate box. Thanks for your continued support!
If you have questions, please contact
Melanie Tsamous
Beth Chen
Calling all Bakers
Calling all bakers!
Project SEEK will be selling coffee and baked goods at Open House next Thursday, May 26th, to support our wonderful Art and Media Center teachers at McGaugh. Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf has graciously donated coffee to our cause- now we need some yummy goodies to go along with the coffee. Baked goods can be dropped off before or afterschool at the ball room by the gym on Thursday, May 26th. Individually wrapped items are appreciated, tags indicating if they contain nuts or other allergens are also a plus! Gluten Free items would also be appreciated.
Project SEEK will be selling coffee and baked goods at Open House next Thursday, May 26th, to support our wonderful Art and Media Center teachers at McGaugh. Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf has graciously donated coffee to our cause- now we need some yummy goodies to go along with the coffee. Baked goods can be dropped off before or afterschool at the ball room by the gym on Thursday, May 26th. Individually wrapped items are appreciated, tags indicating if they contain nuts or other allergens are also a plus! Gluten Free items would also be appreciated.
Please contact Emily Ledterman should you have any questions. Thank you for your help, our children are ever so grateful for the continued support of these essential programs at McGaugh!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Book Fair Volunteers Needed
Monday, May 23, 1:40 to 3:30pm
Wednesday, May 25, 1:00 to 2:00pm
Thursday, May 26, 5:00 to 6:00pm
Thursday, May 26, 6:00 to 7:00pm
Thursday, May 26, 7:00 to 8:00pm
Parents who are available to work at Book Fair please send your
Melanie Tsamous
Name, day & time(s) available, and email address to:Please consider volunteering for these shifts:
Monday, May 16, 2011
June PTA Installation Luncheon
McGaugh PTA
Installation Meeting & Luncheon
Please join us Thursday, June 2, 2011 at
Walt's Warf
201 Main Street, Seal Beach
The meeting begins at 11:00am immediately followed by lunch.
All members are welcomed to attend the meeting - Lunch is not required
Luncheon Cost- $22.00 per person
Includes bread, entrée, beverage, tax & gratuity
Please RSVP by May 26 using the attached form
UPDATE - RSVP by Wednesday, June 1st for lunch
Friday, May 13, 2011
Book Fair Gift Certificates
Book Fair Gift Certificates Available
Surprise a student, teacher, or friend with a gift certificate!
Forms must be turned in by Friday, May 20th.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
McGaugh Parent Support Meeting
Please join the McGaugh Parent Support Meeting in an open discussion regarding parent concerns related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with Dr. Phil Theriot, and a presentation by Mary Irons, M.A., School Psychologist Intern, on collaborating with the school and helping your child at home when they are being bullied.
Thursday, May 19th 2011
For more information and details on how to RSVP, please see the attached flier
Thursday, May 19th 2011
For more information and details on how to RSVP, please see the attached flier
Your Ticket to Read
The Book Fair is returning to the McGaugh Auditorium! Our students will be going through with their classes, and you are invited, too.
Monday, May 23rd: 7:30am - 3:30pm
Tuesday, May 24th: 7:30am - 3:30pm
Wednesday, May 25th: 7:30am - 2:00pm
Thursday, May 26th: 7:30am - 1:30pm AND during Open House 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Tuesday, May 31st: 7:30am - 9:30am
Open the attached flier or go to our Book Fair website at http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/publish/mcgaugh for more information.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Motion Before the Membership
Good evening McGaugh Families,
If you missed the Membership Meeting this morning, you missed an interesting conversation regarding this year's PTA gift to the school. Based on the desires of school administration and the wishes of our members, the following motion was made:
It is moved that the McGaugh PTA carry over any funds, in excess of committed funds and normal yearly reserve funds, to be gifted next year at the direction of school administration and discretion of the membership.
Please join us at the June meeting for any further discussion and a vote on this motion. Our June meeting will take place at Walt's Wharf, and more details will be coming soon.
If you missed the Membership Meeting this morning, you missed an interesting conversation regarding this year's PTA gift to the school. Based on the desires of school administration and the wishes of our members, the following motion was made:
It is moved that the McGaugh PTA carry over any funds, in excess of committed funds and normal yearly reserve funds, to be gifted next year at the direction of school administration and discretion of the membership.
Please join us at the June meeting for any further discussion and a vote on this motion. Our June meeting will take place at Walt's Wharf, and more details will be coming soon.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Like Sands Through the Hourglass
Welcome to May, McGaugh Families!
As our time in the 2010-11 school year comes to a close, your PTA is working hard to prepare for the 2011-12 year. And we could use your help! Our next Executive Board has been elected, and most of the Committee Chairs have been appointed, but there are still openings in our slate to fill. And for those who would prefer to work behind the scenes, your PTA is always looking for volunteers to help coordinate and facilitate. Becoming an assistant to a Chair is a great way to shadow and learn the roles to be prepared for the 2012-13 school year.
For more information about positions and opportunities in the PTA, come to the General Membership Meeting tomorrow, Thursday, May 5th, at 8:15am in the Auditorium. Attached is the agenda for tomorrow's meeting, as well as the minutes of the April meeting and the Treasurer's Report for the month.
Thank you, and we hope to see you there.
As our time in the 2010-11 school year comes to a close, your PTA is working hard to prepare for the 2011-12 year. And we could use your help! Our next Executive Board has been elected, and most of the Committee Chairs have been appointed, but there are still openings in our slate to fill. And for those who would prefer to work behind the scenes, your PTA is always looking for volunteers to help coordinate and facilitate. Becoming an assistant to a Chair is a great way to shadow and learn the roles to be prepared for the 2012-13 school year.
For more information about positions and opportunities in the PTA, come to the General Membership Meeting tomorrow, Thursday, May 5th, at 8:15am in the Auditorium. Attached is the agenda for tomorrow's meeting, as well as the minutes of the April meeting and the Treasurer's Report for the month.
Thank you, and we hope to see you there.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
PTA Convention Opportunity Thursday
· All PTA members can walk the Exhibit hall at the CA State PTA convention Free on Thursday, April 28th between 9 AM and 4:30 PM
· Shop for the latest and greatest in fundraising and school support programs and ideas
· Close by this year at the Long Beach Convention Center
· Bring your PTA Membership card for identification
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
SEEKing Surveys
Your feedback is needed!
As part of an effort to improve fundraising for Project SEEK, we are asking you to take just five minutes and complete a survey regarding The Event, SEEK's major annual fundraiser. Whether or not you attended The Event this year, this survey is relevant and will give SEEK board members invaluable information for future fundraising endeavors. Please give us your feedback by Wednesday, April 27th. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey!
To complete the survey, please use the following URL: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JGF25FV
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Last Call for Book Dedications
Honor Someone Special with a Book Dedication
All book dedications need to be conducted by June 1st to prepare for media center closure.
Forms will be coming home this week and are available on
McGaugh's website, in the media center, and in the front office.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Dessert Orders
Families of McGaugh students,
This message is a reminder to those that ordered desserts and snacks from our recent fundraiser.
Your students order will be delivered this Monday, April 18th, from 1:00pm - 4:00pm in the McGaugh gymnasium. Please make arrangements for pick-up of all orders, as we do not have refrigerated storage on campus.
Please call Laura Sterbentz with any questions.Thank-you.
Pageant of the Arts Raffle
50/50 raffle!
It's your chance to win ½ ...and help the 5th grade promotion activities.
Raffle Tickets on sale before "The Pageant of the Arts" show – both Friday and Saturday nights. One winner each night!
1 ticket $5 / 5 tickets $20 (buy 4, get 1 free)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
April is the Month of the Military Child
McGaugh Families,
April is the month of the military child. McGaugh military children are encouraged to show their military spirit by wearing their branch of service t-shirts on WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 2011. Children that are not military kids will be provided with yellow ribbons to wear if they choose, to show support for their friends.
April is the month of the military child. McGaugh military children are encouraged to show their military spirit by wearing their branch of service t-shirts on WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 2011. Children that are not military kids will be provided with yellow ribbons to wear if they choose, to show support for their friends.
I'd also like to encourage military kids to create a poster at home depicting their military family and branch of service to display in the classroom the week of April 18, 2011.
On behalf of the McGaugh PTA, I'd like to say a heart felt "Thank You" to our McGaugh Military Children and Families.
Best Regards,
Brenda D. Suarez
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Dining for McGaugh - April
Thursday, April 14th is Dining for McGaugh at Woody's Diner!
Come to Woody's Diner in Seal Beach any time on Thursday for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Dining for McGaugh will get 20% of the proceeds and everyone will have fun with family and friends. Print the attached flier and bring it with you to Woody's. Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Thank You!
Thank you to Everyone who participated in Project SEEK's Event this year!
The Event was a huge success!
Together, we raised $56,596.93 - a marked increase over last year's Event!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Red is In
Does your son want a McGaugh shirt for an upcoming field trip? Has your daughter's McGaugh sweatshirt suffered from being worn every School Spirit Friday? You're in luck!
PTA is still proudly selling official Sea Lion Apparel. You can print the attached order form, or pick one up from the front office, and your order will be delivered to your child's class often as soon as the next day. You can also purchase that new shirt or sweatshirt in person this Wednesday, April 13th, at pick-up (1:00 pm), or Thursday, April 14th, at drop-off. Apparel will be on sale both days at the front of the school.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
PTA Agenda and Attachments for 4-7-11
PTA Members:
Attached is the agenda and attachments for the April 7th PTA meeting. This meeting is especially important. We will be voting on the new slate of executive officers for the 2011-2012 school year. The slate is attached and nominations can also be made on the floor during the meeting. Also, please take note of the openings available for Committee Chairs. In addition, Connie Weinman and Bill MacDonald will introduce the District Bullying Program and curriculum.
Please do your best to attend.
Best regards,
Tom Motter
President, JH McGaugh Elementary PTA
Attached is the agenda and attachments for the April 7th PTA meeting. This meeting is especially important. We will be voting on the new slate of executive officers for the 2011-2012 school year. The slate is attached and nominations can also be made on the floor during the meeting. Also, please take note of the openings available for Committee Chairs. In addition, Connie Weinman and Bill MacDonald will introduce the District Bullying Program and curriculum.
Please do your best to attend.
Best regards,
Tom Motter
President, JH McGaugh Elementary PTA
Parent Survey Time
Dear Parents,
Once again, we are gathering input from parents through a K-5 parent survey. This same survey is being shared with parents throughout the district and will allow us to gain information on areas of success and those areas that we might want to consider doing differently. Currently, you can access this survey on McGaugh's web page and you will find it right on the 'Home' page. You can complete the survey online. Additionally, I have hard copies available in the office for anyone who would like to complete a hard copy. The surveys are anonymous and only request information regarding the school your child(ren) attend and the grade levels. We would sincerely appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey and provide us with information for continued improvement.
Thank you.
Daryle A. Palmer
Principal, McGaugh Elementary School
The Event - Opportunity Raffle Winners
Congratulations to "The Event" School-wide Opportunity Winners!!
Color Nook: Jillian Sorenson
American Girl Doll: Elizabeth Tsamous
Xbox 360 with Kinect: Trevor Isabell
iTouch: Tessa and Tobias Murphree
Nintendo 3DS: Mrs. Salmones (with a ticket purchased for her by student Anneliese Marsh)
Thank you to everyone who supported our first ever school-wide Opportunity Drawing. Thanks to your generosity, we raised an astounding $4,720 in support of McGaugh's exceptional enrichment programs!
Color Nook: Jillian Sorenson
American Girl Doll: Elizabeth Tsamous
Xbox 360 with Kinect: Trevor Isabell
iTouch: Tessa and Tobias Murphree
Nintendo 3DS: Mrs. Salmones (with a ticket purchased for her by student Anneliese Marsh)
Thank you to everyone who supported our first ever school-wide Opportunity Drawing. Thanks to your generosity, we raised an astounding $4,720 in support of McGaugh's exceptional enrichment programs!
Pageant of the Arts Tickets
Yes, seats are still available for both shows, but they'll go fast !!!!!!!
Don't wait
Get your tickets NOW and come see this amazing performance !!!!!!!
Simply fill out and return the attached order form to the front office this week.
For those who've already pre-ordered tickets, your tickets will be sent home with your child on Monday April 11th. So make sure you check his/her backpack!
Questions? Contact: Cindy Duncan
McGaugh Elementary School and Splash are proud to present...
The 2011
Pageant of the Arts
View of Arco
Albrecht Durer
April 15 and 16 at 7:00 p.m.
Ticket price is $5.00 each for Adults and Children
Don't wait
Get your tickets NOW and come see this amazing performance !!!!!!!
Simply fill out and return the attached order form to the front office this week.
For those who've already pre-ordered tickets, your tickets will be sent home with your child on Monday April 11th. So make sure you check his/her backpack!
Questions? Contact: Cindy Duncan
McGaugh Elementary School and Splash are proud to present...
The 2011
Pageant of the Arts
View of Arco
Albrecht Durer
April 15 and 16 at 7:00 p.m.
Ticket price is $5.00 each for Adults and Children
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
One Night Only
So many great items, so little time!
Take a look at the wide range of items available at this year's Event, coming up on Sunday, April 3rd. You can only win these items if you are at The Event, so join the fun and get some treats for yourself and your family!
Like sports? How about Angels and Dodgers tickets, golf outings, or Lakers playoff tickets?
Plan your family summer vacation with packages to La Quinta, San Diego, Temecula, and Kauai!
Celebrate with restaurant gift certificates and party packages!
Give your kids a treat with one of our fabulous Teacher Donation prizes!
Have you heard about the adorable Golden Retriever puppy that's available?
And there are lots of other ways to pamper yourself too!
You can only purchase these great items at The Event! So join us on Sunday, April 3rd – tickets are still available and will be sold before and after school every day this week!
Shine Your Light!
In addition to all the other wonderful classes being presented this summer, the Los Al Educational Foundation is offering "Shine Your Light!", an elementary school level show choir camp for students who will be entering grades 3-5. Check the attached flier for more details, including how to register before the May 13th deadline.
Decathlon Tomorrow
Due to the weather last week, the Outdoor Science School Booster Club Decathlon and Jog-A-Thon was delayed. It will be taking place tomorrow, Thursday, March 31st.
We are looking for a few more volunteers to run the various stations in shifts from 8am to 11:45. Shifts are around one hour long and volunteers are still needed for all three shifts (8:00-9:00, 9:00-10:15, and 10:30-11:45) at the various events. So come out and help us cheer for our McGaugh Decathletes as they put themselves through their paces.
Also, have your child turn in their Jog-A-Thon / Decathlon pledges to their teachers; the contest between the classrooms is on! The Pledge form is attached if you need a new copy.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
H.U.G.S. Keep Marching
The March H.U.G.S. Newsletter is attached and contains information for and about the McGaugh Elementary School special needs students and programs.
Countdown to The Event
The Event is this Sunday, April 3rd!
Buy your tickets or Premier table this week at pick-up and drop-off, along with raffle tickets for Opportunity drawings like an iPod Touch, a Nook, and the new Nintendo 3DS! And we have great auction items for sale at The Event, including Lakers playoff tickets and an adorable Golden Retriever puppy!
So join the fun – buy your Event ticket this week!
Buy your tickets or Premier table this week at pick-up and drop-off, along with raffle tickets for Opportunity drawings like an iPod Touch, a Nook, and the new Nintendo 3DS! And we have great auction items for sale at The Event, including Lakers playoff tickets and an adorable Golden Retriever puppy!
So join the fun – buy your Event ticket this week!
World Autism Day - Further Information
Dear Parents, after announcing that McGaugh would be observing World Autism Day, I received this letter. Mrs. Maddux was kind enough to allow me to share it with you so that you would all have access to the links below, which she has found very helpful. Remember; wear blue on Friday instead of our regular red! Daryle Palmer
Thank you for this. My nephew is autistic and I am one of his primary caregivers thereby I have a very special interest in autism awareness. I have 3 links that maybe of interest,
the first is a group that has given my family support in out fight for James http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/index.php
another is a charity run that I signed up for before they signed on to support TACA, a great way of raising money for autism awareness and have fun at the same time http://www.gladiatorrocknrun.com/what.html
finally there is autism speaks, they are a great resource for motivation as well as being key in bringing this important cause to the fore front of attention in their "light it up blue" cause http://www.facebook.com/autismspeaks
Thank you again for your attention to this important cause.
Renee Maddux
the first is a group that has given my family support in out fight for James http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/index.php
another is a charity run that I signed up for before they signed on to support TACA, a great way of raising money for autism awareness and have fun at the same time http://www.gladiatorrocknrun.com/what.html
finally there is autism speaks, they are a great resource for motivation as well as being key in bringing this important cause to the fore front of attention in their "light it up blue" cause http://www.facebook.com/autismspeaks
Thank you again for your attention to this important cause.
Renee Maddux
Daryle A. Palmer
Principal, McGaugh Elementary School
Monday, March 28, 2011
Dining for McGaugh - March
Wednesday, March 30th is Dining for McGaugh at Finbars Restaurant!
Come to Finbars in Seal Beach any time on Wednesday. Dining for McGaugh will get 20% of the proceeds and everyone enjoys themselves with family and friends. Print the attached flier and bring it with you to Finbars; An Italian Treasure! See you there!
Come to Finbars in Seal Beach any time on Wednesday. Dining for McGaugh will get 20% of the proceeds and everyone enjoys themselves with family and friends. Print the attached flier and bring it with you to Finbars; An Italian Treasure! See you there!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
World Autism Day
McGaugh Parents:
April 1st is the official Autism Awareness Day. Because this disorder continues to have a growing impact on children in our world and affects many of the students at McGaugh Elementary School, we will be observing World Autism Awareness Day on April 1st.
Here is more information about this event worldwide.
This is the 4th year and everyone is gearing up for April 1 and 2. Buildings around the world will turn their lights blue to shine a light on autism. Internationally, look for the Sydney Opera House in Australia and Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil. In Los Angeles we will see LA Live (Staples Center and the adjoining hotels) and LAX go blue!
Here are some ways you can participate;
- Turn your porch light blue during April
- At McGaugh we will be encouraging all staff and students to wear blue instead of our red on Friday, April 1st.
Here are some ways you can participate;
- Turn your porch light blue during April
- At McGaugh we will be encouraging all staff and students to wear blue instead of our red on Friday, April 1st.
Event Opportunity
Opportunity raffle tickets will be on sale all next week at Flagpole during drop off and pick up. You can win one of 5 great items! See the attached flier for details on the great prizes and ticket prices.
Last Call for Donations to The Event
Have any last-minute donations for The Event? Our deadline for donations is tomorrow, Thursday, March 24th! If you have gift cards, new items, or want to host a party, get your donation to us and help raise money for Project SEEK! Contact Michelle Gillespie with questions.
The Event will feature a new auction item this year – Invest in McGaugh. It's a chance to directly fund enrichment education, and in return, you get your name engraved on a plaque backing one of the McGaugh Auditorium chairs! Show your support for enrichment education at McGaugh!
See you at The Event – April 3rd at Tantalum!
The Event will feature a new auction item this year – Invest in McGaugh. It's a chance to directly fund enrichment education, and in return, you get your name engraved on a plaque backing one of the McGaugh Auditorium chairs! Show your support for enrichment education at McGaugh!
See you at The Event – April 3rd at Tantalum!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Celebrating a Promotion
HELP 5th Grade Parents HELP
We need supplies for the
5th Grade Promotion Party
We need to decorate the gym on a tight budget
Theme (please keep as a surprise):
Under the Sea Beach party
· Beach Chairs – as many as you can lend (need 50+)
· 10 Chaise Lounges
· 10 Large Market Umbrellas and Umbrella stands
· A Tiki Bar
· Multi-colored paper lanterns
· Any large beach or ocean props you may have
· Any access to discounted or FREE beach towels (120 needed to give each student to keep - preferably solid or striped)
If you have any of these items for us to use on June 14th please contact
A S S O O N A S P O S S I B L E !
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Event Approaches
Tickets to The Event will be on sale this week - Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday!
We will be at Flag Pole and West Gate at drop-off and both Kindergarten pick-up and 2:15 pick-up, so come by to get your tickets to the biggest Project SEEK fundraiser of the year!
We still have a Premier table available as well – get your friends together and enjoy transportation to and from The Event, exclusive seating, wine and other extras at Tantalum!
See you at Tantalum on April 3rd!
We will be at Flag Pole and West Gate at drop-off and both Kindergarten pick-up and 2:15 pick-up, so come by to get your tickets to the biggest Project SEEK fundraiser of the year!
We still have a Premier table available as well – get your friends together and enjoy transportation to and from The Event, exclusive seating, wine and other extras at Tantalum!
See you at Tantalum on April 3rd!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Cyber Safety Information Night
The District/Community Bullying Prevention Task Force has selected a curriculum to help all students learn about internet safety. There are many dangers associated with using the internet, and we want our students to learn how to use technology properly and safely, beginning in kindergarten. The curriculum is grade-level appropriate and will be implemented in late May. A preview of the curriculum will be presented on April 4, 6:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center at Los Alamitos High School. Please see the attached flier for more details. Thank you for your ongoing support of Los Alamitos Unified School District.
Sherry Kropp, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Cheer for Our Decathletes!
Volunteers Urgently Needed!
We need help running the various stations for the McGaugh Decathlon, Thursday, March 24 from 8am to 11:45. Shifts are around one hour long and volunteers are still needed for all three shifts (8:00-9:00, 9:00-10:15, and 10:30-11:45) at the various events. So come out and help us cheer for our McGaugh Decathletes as they put themselves through their paces.
Also, have your child turn in their Decathlon pledges to teachers as soon as possible; the contest between the classrooms is on!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Meeting for McGaugh Tomorrow
I just want to remind and invite all parents/guardians to join Superintendent Dr. Greg Franklin and Assistant Superintendent Eamonn O'Donovan tomorrow, Tuesday March 15th at 8:15am in the auditorium. They would like to meet with parents to gather their input as a beginning step in the hiring process for the McGaugh Principal. Please join us if possible.
Daryle A. Palmer
Principal, McGaugh Elementary School
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