Saturday, December 19, 2009

Surf, Sun, and Run Design Contest Extended

The 2010 Seal Beach Kid's 1K Fun Run shirt design contest has been extended to January 8th!

If you have the next great artist living under your roof, check out the attached document for instructions (disregard the deadline date) and entry information or go to

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

H.U.G.S. for Everyone

Attached or available online at the School-to-Home Fliers link, the H.U.G.S. Newsletter contains information for and about McGaugh's Special Needs students and program.

The Gift of Baked Goods


Come support Room 35's
Bake Sale
Thursday, December 17th
1:15 at the flagpole
2:15 at flagpole and west gate

All items are just 50¢!

In keeping with the season's spirit of giving, Mrs. Scott's 4th grade class will hold a bake sale to raise money for Heifer International, a charity dedicated to ending hunger around the world.  For 60 years, Heifer International has been giving "living gifts" of animals to needy families to help move them out of poverty and toward a path of self-reliance. 

The students of Room 35 will be using all the proceeds from the bake sale to make their own donation of a "living gift" through Heifer. 

*This event is sponsored by McGaugh PTA and no items containing trans-fats will be sold per LAUSD policy.

BakeSale.png                     BakeSale2.png

What was Lost can be Found


Parents - Please come check the 
Lost & Found for your child's missing 
jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc.

The Lost & Found room is located next to the lunch tables. 

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Give for Free this Holiday Season

snow.JPG      ProjectSeek2.JPG     snow.JPG

Make your Holiday Shopping Mean More!
Support McGaugh's No Cost Fundraising Programs

Online purchases that start at OneCause earn contributions
for our school at no extra cost to you.
Install the Onecause toolbar and never miss a donation!

Pavilions & Macy's contribute a percentage of your purchases to our school
when you use your Club card or Macy's card.

Shop, Swipe Your Card & Earn money for McGaugh School;
Register your Club Rewards card today!

Questions: email Jamie Kaminski at

Project SEEK is a non-profit fund-raising group that raises money to support McGaugh Elementary School enrichment
programs. They donated $100,611 for the 2008-09 school year to help support credentialed teachers in the media center,
art lab, and also $9,000 in grants, enabling each grade level to participate in a field trip.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Pennies for Peace


Dear Parents of J.H. McGaugh,

 We are delighted to share with you that our students will once again participate in a Pennies for Peace campaign from now until June 1st (last year McGaugh students raised $1,565.87).  Pennies for Peace is a service-learning program designed to broaden our students' cultural horizons while teaching them about their capacities as philanthropists – one penny at a time.

 Pennies for Peace is a program of Central Asia Institute (CAI), founded by Greg Mortenson – author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Three Cups of Tea. CAI is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that promotes and provides community-based education and literacy programs, especially for girls, in remote mountain regions of Central Asia. Founded in 1996, CAI has built, to date, nearly 100 schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which serve more than 28,000 students – over 14,000 of whom are girls.

 How can a penny bring peace? It doesn't buy much in our community. However, in the villages of Pakistan and Afghanistan, a penny can buy a pencil, start an education, and transform a life. In a region where terrorist organizations recruit uneducated, illiterate children, that pencil can empower a child to read, write, and learn. The Pennies for Peace program goal is to encourage our students, who are ultimately our future leaders, to learn the value of philanthropy by collecting pennies for global peace.

 Our students will join tens of thousands of students around the world who are participating in the Pennies for Peace program and who are working together to become members of a global family dedicated to peace.

 Every student that visits the Media Center from Monday, December 14th – Friday, January 8th, will view a video by the CAI, which introduces Greg Mortensen and the children of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and even presents the very first school built.  Many students will also hear the book entitled Listen to the Wind, a child friendly picture book version of Three Cups of Tea.  Containers to hold the Pennies for Peace (or Change for Change if the children would like to bring in silver coins!) will be placed in many classrooms, and a large container is located in the Media Center.

 If you have any questions about our Pennies for Peace campaign, please feel free to contact Karen Ferretti at Our students are eagerly looking forward to this new adventure!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Teacher for the Day is looking for some Teacher's Aides

A few helpers and donations are needed for PTA's

Teacher For A Day

Breakfast on  

December 15, 2009


Please call or email Janice Vititow at or (562) 598-5361 if you can help with any of these items.


Set up - 7:15 a.m. Tuesday 12/15 in Teachers Lounge at McGaugh


Donate one of the following items:


Fresh Fruit

1 dozen hard boiled eggs

Orange juice

Apple juice

Strawberry Jelly (1 jar)


 Plastic Forks/Spoons


If you have already signed up to help, THANK YOU SO MUCH.  I will contact you separately.




Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Accelerated Readers Ahead

Dear Parents,


As you may well know, Accelerated Reader is coming to McGaugh!  We are excited about this, yet much needs to be done to get our Media Center books ready for student check out.  This Friday, December 11, from 8:30 to approximately 2PM, we will begin the process of applying reading level dots to the books in the media center that have an Accelerated Reader (AR) quiz.  It may eventually take more than one day, but our goal is to get this process started before our winter break, so students and staff can get trained when we return, and then get started using the program.  More information WILL be sent out to parents about the program, but this is one of the early steps in the process of getting ourselves ready.


If you have the time (an hour or two – or even three) and are willing to come help, please get in contact with Karen Ferretti, Media Center teacher, with a time period that works for you.  Having just the right amount of helpers will actually be better than having too many.


If you can't make it this time (I know this is a difficult time of year), we just might call on help once again.  If we get too many – we may ask that you wait for the second round.  Either way, we appreciate any and all help that comes our way.


Thanks for helping to make McGaugh the wonderful, special place that it is…..


Karen Ferretti

TOSA - McGaugh Media Center

1698 Bolsa Ave.

Seal Beach, CA 90740


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ready for Round 2

Organic Produce for the New Year

Produce delivered by J'lilly Farms, a local company that does your weekly or twice monthly Farmers Market shopping for you!
Support PTA by picking up your organic produce on Wednesdays at 1:00- by the Main Office.
$3.50 - $4.00 per box goes directly to PTA.


Check out the attached document for details, order forms, and frequently asked questions.
Order forms for January produce are due by December 16th.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Middle School Parent Information Night

Parent Information Night

Monday, January 11, 2010

Performing Art Center

Los Alamitos High School

6:30 to 8:00


This information meeting will present information regarding the Honors Curriculum offered for students at the middle schools.

This will be of particular interest for fifth grade parents, however all parents are invited. This presentation is not designed for students and therefore we ask that students DO NOT ATTEND

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Artwork for Education Catalog is Available

McGaugh's 2009 Artwork for Education catalog is now up on the Web.  If you forgot to order or want to reorder your child's artwork on beautiful greeting cards, you'll receive them just in time for the winter holidays.

See and the attachment for further details.