Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pennies for Peace

Dear Parents,

This will be the last week that classrooms will be collecting for Pennies for Peace. All change will be collected in early June, and results will be sent out via email. If you have any extra change in a container, your pocket or the bottom of your purse, please send it to McGaugh with your child. Your child can deposit the change in the container in their classroom or in the Media Center.  Thank you once again for this very worthy cause!


Karen Ferretti
Media Center Specialist
McGaugh Elementary School
1698 Bolsa Ave.
Seal Beach, CA 90740

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Health and Nutrition Events for Families with Younger Children

FREE Healthy Eating Habits
for Pre-School aged children
6-week "Lean Start" series class to be offered at the
Downtown Community Center, Anaheim
beginning Friday June 4th
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Healthy Children" Health Fair
WHEN: Saturday, June 12th 2010
TIME: 10:00a.m-1:00 pm
WHERE: Manzanita Park FRC, Anaheim
See fliers attached for additional information

H.U.G.S. and hugs some more

The May H.U.G.S. Newsletter is attached and contains information for and about the McGaugh Elementary School special needs students and programs.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dining, Reading, and Meeting

McGaugh Families:
 Please join us for Family Pasta Night and the Book Fair,  both before Open House, on Thursday, May 27. 

Family Pasta Night (benefiting Project SEEK) will be held in the Gym starting at 4:45 pm.  Admission is by presale only, so please complete this flier right away and return it to the school by Tuesday, May 25.

The PTA Book Fair starts in the Auditorium at 5pm and ends at 8pm.  Books are available for all ages and benefit the RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) Book Giveaway program.

Open House will begin at 6:30pm and also ends at 8pm.  Please arrive no later than 7:30pm to see all your child's wonderful work and ask your teacher any questions you may have.  Don't worry about keeping the kids up late, though; there is no school on Friday, May 28.

Click HERE for more.  We'll see you at Family Pasta Night, The Book Fair, and Open House next Thursday!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Family Fun Night


McGaugh PTA presents...

 a Free  Family  Fun Night

Featuring the country/western band, "Back Home"

Friday June 11, 2010   

5:00PM to 8:30PM     McGaugh Gym

Bring your dinner/blankets

& share a dessert

We'll provide the music!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Earthquake and Emergency Kits Still Available

The sale of the emergency kits has been extended for another week. This is a great opportunity to be prepared for any emergency that might impact your family, as we have seen recently throughout the world.  Fliers are available HERE and 10% of the proceeds will come back to the school through the McGaugh PTA.

As a reminder, these kits are for home/personal preparation.  Earthquake kits for your child's classroom will be available at the beginning of next school year.

Stop By the Book Fair Diner


J.H. McGaugh Elementary

Location ~ Auditorium


Monday, May 24    ………....   7:30 am to 3:30 pm

Tuesday, May 25 ……….....   7:30 am to 3:30 pm

Wednesday, May 26 ……......   7:30 am to 2:00 pm

Thursday, May 27......................   7:30 am to 1:30 pm

Thursday, May 27 Open House …..   5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Tuesday, June 1. ………....... 7:30 am to 9:30 am


Gift Certificates are available for purchase.

Order forms due by May 21st

Please remember to add sales tax to the cost of books.

For more Book Fair info, click HERE or visit the McGaugh school website

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Join in the Fun

McGaugh PTA
Installation Meeting & Luncheon

Please join us Thursday, June 3, 2010 at
Walt's Warf
201 Main Street, Seal Beach
The meeting begins at 11:00 immediately followed by lunch.

Cost- $20.00 per person
Includes bread, entrée, beverage, tax & gratuity
Please see the flier HERE for more information about the luncheon and how to RSVP

If you have any questions please contact Kristi Weissinger

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yogurt, the Flavory Treat

 During the month of May, Flavory Yogurt at 347 Main St #B (corner of Main and PCH) will donate 20% of their sales to McGaugh PTA!  Go in as often as you would like for some delicious treats, and don't forget to mention McGaugh to the cashier.
No flier needed!

Going, Going, Gone

Parents please come check the Lost & Found for your child's missing jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc.
Any uncollected items will be donated to charity.
The Lost & Found room is located next to the lunch tables.
If you have any questions please contact Kristi Weissinger

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Family Pasta Night

spaghetti.JPG Project SEEK spaghetti.JPG
Family Pasta Night

Finbar's Italian Restaurant

Come have dinner before Open House!

Thursday, May 27th
4:45pm - 6:15pm
In the McGaugh Gym

Read more on the flier HERE - There will be NO SALES AT THE DOOR!
And don't forget about the Book Fair in the Auditorium while you are there.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Jester Book Dedications

Here Ye Here Ye!!!!!!

Friends of the McGaugh Media Center would like to announce the deadlines for Jester Book Dedications!

Thursday May 27, 2010 will be the final date for accepting dedication request forms.

The last date for books to be read will be 

June 3, 2010.

We can not allow exceptions.

Jester Dedication Request Form is online HERE and 

can be found in the main office and in the media center.

Friends of McGaugh Media Center thank you for your continued support of this wonderful reading program.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Get Yours Before Summer!

Hi All,

   McGaugh t-shirts will be sold this Wednesday the 12th near Dippin' Dots in the lunch area. If you can't be there at pickup, you can fill out an order form and turn it in to the front office instead.  Get your orders in by Monday morning and we will fill them by Tuesday.
Don't be caught this summer without your McGaugh Apparel!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Books Before Bedtime


Save the date - Tuesday May 18th from 5 to 7 pm
Time again to clear those cluttered bookshelves and donate your GENTLY used books to McGaugh's Books Before Bedtime
Please bring books to front office
Bins will be available
Contact Stacy Byone

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Earthquake and Emergency Kits

McGaugh Families,

As the recent earthquakes and volcanoes remind us, disaster can strike at any time. In keeping with our mission to provide for the "health, safety and welfare" of our families, the PTA is offering a FEMA-compliant emergency kit for sale. 10% of the proceeds go to our PTA.

 A flier with an order form will go out on Thursday. You can also view it online HERE or from the McGaugh website. Print both pages and fold together to create a four-page flier.

 We know these are tough economic times and that many of you have generously given to the school and PTA this year. The emergency kit is only $12.00 per person per day to protect a family of four. We encourage you to take advantage of this offer, stash away a complete "grab and go" kit, and help the school.

  If you have questions, feel free to email our vendor's contact, Stan Glickman at

 Thank you!


PTA General Meeting Tomorrow (5/6)

                The next General Association Meeting of the McGaugh Elementary PTA is Thursday, 6 May 2010 at 8:15 a.m. in the McGaugh Auditorium.  Guest speakers will include Gayle Chait for the Education Foundation, Eileen Kochevar for our new Parent Resource Center, and Connie Weinman about bullying prevention.
We also will be taking a quick picture for the 5th grade yearbook at the beginning of the meeting.  We will need a great many good-looking faces to offset your president so please be on-time!
Subject:               PTA General Meeting
Date:                     6 May 2010
Time:                     8:15 a.m.
Place:                    McGaugh Auditorium
Agenda:               1)  President's Welcome
                                2)  Officer's Reports
                                3)  Committee Reports
                                4)  Guest Speakers
                                5)  Old Business
                                6)  New Business
It should be a fun and informative meeting.  Hope to see you all there!
Rick Gordon
PTA President 2008-2010
J.H. McGaugh Elementary

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Parent Survey

Parents, don't forget to take the Parent Survey, which can be taken on line and is available by going to our McGaugh's web page. The final date for completing this survey is June 1. Thank you for your time, Daryle

Daryle A. Palmer
Principal, McGaugh Elementary School
1698 Bolsa Ave.
Seal Beach
, CA 90740
(562) 799-4560 ext. 79102