Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Reflections 2010-2011

Thank you to all of the students that participated in the PTA Reflections program last year.  Reflections is a national PTA program that inspires students to express themselves through a variety of media and increases awareness of the importance of the arts in education.

The fifth graders who had entries on display have picked them up from the media center/computer lab, but we would like to continue to display the entries of the kindergarten through 4th graders until the fall when we receive the next set of entries.  If, however, you would like your child's artwork from this years program returned now, just drop me an email or stop by the media center and talk to one of the teachers in the media center and pick up your child's artwork before the school year is out.  We'd love to continue to display it, however, and their artwork will be returned when the new entries are posted.

***The theme for 2011-2012 PTA Reflections is "DIVERSITY MEANS…". This is a great summer project! You can work on an entry in photography, dance choreography, film/video production, literature, musical composition, and visual arts.

The guidelines for the entries are posted at www.capta.org/reflections.

The entries for the school level are due usually in mid-October in order for the competition to continue to a national level throughout the school year.  You will receive more information from the Reflections Chair in the fall.

Thank you!

Michelle Samuelson
2010-2011 Reflections Chair