Dear Parents, after announcing that McGaugh would be observing World Autism Day, I received this letter. Mrs. Maddux was kind enough to allow me to share it with you so that you would all have access to the links below, which she has found very helpful. Remember; wear blue on Friday instead of our regular red! Daryle Palmer
Thank you for this. My nephew is autistic and I am one of his primary caregivers thereby I have a very special interest in autism awareness. I have 3 links that maybe of interest,
the first is a group that has given my family support in out fight for James
another is a charity run that I signed up for before they signed on to support TACA, a great way of raising money for autism awareness and have fun at the same time
finally there is autism speaks, they are a great resource for motivation as well as being key in bringing this important cause to the fore front of attention in their "light it up blue" cause
Thank you again for your attention to this important cause.
Renee Maddux
the first is a group that has given my family support in out fight for James
another is a charity run that I signed up for before they signed on to support TACA, a great way of raising money for autism awareness and have fun at the same time
finally there is autism speaks, they are a great resource for motivation as well as being key in bringing this important cause to the fore front of attention in their "light it up blue" cause
Thank you again for your attention to this important cause.
Renee Maddux
Daryle A. Palmer
Principal, McGaugh Elementary School