Saturday, May 21, 2011

Prepare for Fun

Family Fun Night!

Please join 
friends and teachers
on Friday, June 10, from 5 to 7 p.m.
for an end-of-year ice cream social.  Your
favorite flavors and toppings will be provided
free of charge by the PTA, and Mrs. Palmer will be
on hand to dish out lots of hugs and handshakes,
as she prepares to retire from education and enter
a new chapter of her life.  Come enjoy a scoop
on us, catch up with friends and neighbors,
and wish Mrs. Palmer a fond farewell. 
We are the greatest YeeHaw McGaugh We are the
greatest YeeHaw McGaugh One and all we're
walking tall At the school beside the ocean
that's the coolest of them all We are the
greatest YeeHaw McGaugh We are the
greatest YeeHaw McGaugh One and
all we're walking tall At the school
beside the ocean that's the cool
est of them all We are the grea
test YeeHaw McGaugh We ar
e the greatest YeeHaw Mc
Gaugh One and all we're
walking tall At the sch
ool beside the ocean
that's the coolest
of them all  We
are the gre
atest Yee

Friday, June 10, 5 to 7 p.m.