We are asking for donations of new or used shorts, sweats and underwear to fit our kindergartners if they should have an oops!
Please give all donations to Kathy in our Wellness Office. Thank You.
Anjie Whitman
The September H.U.G.S. Newsletter is attached and contains information for and about the McGaugh Elementary School special needs students and programs.
McGaugh Elementary
Back to School Night Child Care Request Form
Kids Korner located in Room 49 will provide child care for McGaugh students (K – 5) during Back to School Night. The cost is $4 per student. Students can be dropped off as early as 6:15 pm and will need to be picked up no later than 8:30 pm on Tuesday, September 14th.
If you are interested in daycare during Back to School Night, please print and complete the attached form and return it to Kids Korner by Monday, September 13.
Take Action: Urge the Governor to sign SB 847, so schools can receive $1.2 billion in federal funds now! |
As expected, the Legislature adjourned late last night without passing a state budget. As we told you last week, the California Department of Education needs legislative authority to disburse the $1.2 billion that California will receive from the federal government as a result of the passage of the Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act. SB 847 (Steinberg), an urgency measure strongly supported by PTA, passed out of the Legislature yesterday and is now on its way to the Governor's desk.
SB 847 specifies that the funds are to be disbursed to school districts, county offices of education and charter schools, on the basis of revenue limits, within 14 days of the passage of this act or notification to the state of a federal funding award, whichever is later. As per the federal legislation, the funds are to be used only for compensation, benefits and other expenses necessary to retain existing employees, to recall or rehire former employees and to hire new employees providing school-level education and related services. Funds must be used before September 30, 2012. |
The students are busy customizing this year's calendar. Most of the
important McGaugh dates are included on the calendar.
The calendar is a priceless piece of art from our young and talented
students and makes a wonderful keepsake.
The attached Order Form has more information, but must be turned in no
later than Friday, September 24th to guarantee delivery.
Thank you for your support!
A Message from Tom Motter, President, J. H. McGaugh Elementary PTA
PTA Members,
On behalf of your new PTA Executive Board, welcome back to school! Our first PTA meeting of the year will be held tomorrow morning in the Auditorium, immediately following the new parents welcome coffee. Again this year our meetings will typically fall on the first Thursday of the month beginning at 8:15 AM. Tomorrow's meeting will begin at 8:30 AM, to allow for the new parent welcome event, and will conclude no later than 9:30 AM. The agenda follows:
PTA General Meeting Agenda
It should be a fun and informative meeting. Hope to see you all there!