Friday, January 7, 2011

Motion for School Gift

At this morning's PTA Membership Meeting, an important motion was made that will be further discussed and voted upon at the next PTA Meeting on Thursday, February 3rd.

The motion was made for PTA to gift to Project SEEK up to $34,609.  This gift would then be used to assist in securing the Forward Funded Positions for the 2011-12 school year.  The school has four such positions, including the Art program instructor, the credentialed Media Center instructor, and two Media Center/Computer Lab aides.
  You will be hearing a lot about the Forward Funded Positions in the coming weeks as Project SEEK strives to meet their financial goals, and a contribution from the PTA would assist them but not fill the gap completely.  To date, the PTA Membership has voted on and gifted $7,600 for the purchase of 16 new computers using gift funds carried over from last year.  If the motion is approved and the full amount is gifted to Project SEEK, no other school gift is likely for this school year.