Saturday, December 18, 2010

Middle School Honors Program Presentation

Attention: 4th & 5th Grade Parents

Please mark your calendars for a very important district presentation.

"Honors Program at Your Child's Middle School"
Monday, January 10th at 6:30pm
Los Alamitos High School Performing Arts Center

Presented by:
Dr. Sherry Kropp, LAUSD Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Ondrea Reed, M.Ed., LAUSD Program & Assessment Specialist

An information flier is attached for your reference.

Ondrea Reed, M.Ed.
LAUSD Program & Assessment Specialist, Educational Services-Technology Los Alamitos Educational Foundation, Executive Director

Chinese Language & Cultural Enrichment Program

The Los Alamitos Educational Foundation's Language Enrichment Institute will be offering beginning level Chinese/Mandarin Language Classes at McGaugh beginning in January on Tuesday afternoons.


Attached is a flier with more information as well as the registration paperwork if you are interested.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Get Your Name in the Auditorium Foyer!

Remember to get your plaque in the Foyer of the Auditorium at McGaugh!  (See image below)


Print the following PDF file and return with your check to the Main Office by Dec. 15th
Gift certificates available to give as gifts this Holiday Season.  The plaques will be hung in the Foyer in January.

***Plaques are a timeless memory they will treasure forever!***

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kids Fun Run Race Design Contest

The Seal Beach 5/10K and Kids Fun Run Race Committee is looking for designers to create their t-shirt for the 2011 Kids 1K Fun Run! Once again because of the support of our local Seal Beach businesses, they have AWESOME PRIZES for the 1st place winner and the 2 runners up! Winners will be announced in January!  More information and the Entry Form is attached.

Thanks for your support!

Any Questions. Please contact Michelle Samuelson

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

H.U.G.S. and then some

The November H.U.G.S. Newsletter is attached and contains information for and about the McGaugh Elementary School special needs students and programs.  This month's newsletter also includes a presentation titled "Strategies for Parents: Homework Support and Study Skills".

Thursday, December 2, 2010

RIF Giveaway Volunteers

Reading Is Fundamental

Please sign up for the RIF Book Giveaway!

The McGaugh PTA gives a book to each student, purchased by the PTA from the Book Fair profits. Each child gets to pick out their own book from a large selection of new books! As a volunteer, you will be helping children choose their books as they come in by class. Please join us!

Dates and Times that volunteers are needed:

Tuesday, December 14th
     12:30-  2:15pm
Wednesday, December 15th

Thursday, December 16th

     12:30-  2:15pm

To sign up, please email Cindy Duncan and include your name, phone number, and when you would be available to volunteer.

Math is Sum Fun is offering an online mathematics game for students grades 3-8.  From November 15, 2010 through May 1, 2011 students may sign up and compete for over 1,000 prizes including scholarships for the national champions.  Finalists and prize winners are announced every two weeks and participation is free.

This is an opportunity for additional mathematics practice in a motivating medium that may encourage mathematics outside of the school day.  A flyer is attached and more details  can be found on the O.C. Department of Education Connectivity Resource Center at:  and at the DimensionU website

While this is a highly competitive national event, each student can benefit in improved math skills through gaming competition.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

LAEF is all Ears

The Los Alamitos Education Foundation is interested in hearing from parents and community members on goals and ways to take the Foundation to the next level. There will be a meeting on December 8 at Oak Middle School, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to gather information from parents and community members. While the invitation states you must RSVP by December 1, that date has been moved to December 6th.

Daryle A. Palmer
Principal, McGaugh Elementary School

Parent Workshop at McGaugh

McGaugh Parent Support Group Workshop

"Building Social Skills Through Language"
Special Presenter: Jeanne Ruiz, Speech/Language Pathologist

Thursday, December 16, 2010
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: TBD

Please RSVP

Jeanne Ruiz, SLP, will present on social thinking and how it relates to developing social skills across the school environment.

PTA Meeting Agenda and Minutes

McGaugh PTA Members,

Attached is the agenda for tomorrow's PTA general membership meeting which begins at 10:30 AM, at Finbars Italian Kitchen, followed by a family style lunch at 11:30 for those who have pre-registered and paid for the luncheon.

Also, attached are minutes from the last two general membership meetings.  The minutes from the October meeting were approved by the membership with minor edits at the November meeting. The November minutes will be approved at our meeting tomorrow.

As a reminder, during the November meeting, two motions were put forth to be voted on at tomorrow's meeting. The membership was noticed of these motions in a school-wide email on November 4, 2010.   The motions are as follows:

1.  A motion to pledge $795.36, the amount raised last year by the Fifth Grade Activities Committee and remaining after their expenses, to be paid toward the repainting of the McGaugh Sea Lion mural on both sides of the gym; and

2. A motion to fund the purchase of 16 new computers, estimated to cost $7,600 but not to exceed $8,000.

I look forward to seeing you at our meeting tomorrow which begins at 10:30 AM, at Finbars Italian Kitchen, followed by a family style lunch at 11:30 for those who have pre-registered for the luncheon.

Happy Holidays!

Tom Motter
President, J.H. McGaugh PTA