Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Artwork for Education Online

OSBC - Artwork for Education
Notecard Fundraiser Update
It's not too late to order notecards!
We are no longer accepting catalog orders at school, but did you know that you can purchase your child's art cards online?  It's true!  You can even purchase cards from past years!  Simply go to wwww.artworkforeducation.com.  Click on the tab marked Schools.  Then enter McGaugh in the "Search for a School" box.  Each year's catalog is online arranged by grade/teacher.
Yes, it's that easy!
40% of your purchase of any McGaugh students' cards goes directly back to the Outdoor Science Booster Club, which helps us keep our wonderful 5th grade Outdoor Science School program in our district.
For those who have purchased cards through our catalog sale, thank you and your cards should be arriving in 2-3 weeks.
In addition, Worldwise Education has started a retail program.  Three of McGaugh's very own students have had their artwork chosen for retail sale.  To view their cards, see attached.  Sarah's cards are for sale in the Ralph's grocery store on Seal Beach Blvd.!!!  Congratulations to all three on being chosen for the retail program!  For each set of cards purchased at retail sites, McGaugh will receive $2 back to OSBC, and for each single card purchased, OSBC will receive 50 cents.  See attached for a list of all of Worldwise's retail partners.