Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Information about Next Year's Budget and Class Sizes

Dear Parents!

Next week you'll receive a letter in the mail from the district's Class Size Reduction Committee, asking you to donate $225.00 per child within your household to help us reduce and maintain class sizes throughout our district.

            This Committee was formed by parents from the schools within our district after the California state budget cuts cut a staggering $18.5 million from our LAUSD operating budget.  This threatened our ability to keep LAUSD class sizes within a range we found acceptable to maintain our high levels of academic standards. The Committee wrote a letter to parents last summer in an effort to raise funds to go to each of our District schools to maintain or reduce class sizes. With the generosity of parents like you, we were able to disburse the money to our schools and reduce class sizes last year.

            This year, with further budget cuts, we are again asking for your help. The Class Size Reduction Committee is requesting a donation of $225.00 per student (just $18.75 per month) so that class sizes district-wide can be reduced back to 20 to 1 in grades K-3 and class averages can be lowered in grades 4-12 to a maximum of 35. In the letter you'll receive next week there is more detail about exactly how the money was used from last year's campaign.

            As your Principal, I am encouraging every family that is able to contribute to this Campaign… it will take everyone's participation to reach the levels we need. Thank you!


Daryle Palmer