Thursday, February 4, 2010

Big Decisions


If you missed the PTA General Membership Meeting this morning, you missed some great conversation about three important issues that will effect your school and/or PTA this year and next.  All three of these are of such weight that none could be decided today, but will be presented for votes at the next General Membership Meeting on Thursday, March 4th, 2010.

First, Principal Daryle Palmer presented an official request to the membership that the PTA gift $13,000 to Project SEEK, which would join their gift to the school to be used specifically for the Forward Funded Staffing Positions.  The school has four such positions, including the Art program instructor, the credentialed Media Center instructor, and two Media Center/Computer Lab aides.  Project SEEK and available school funds are able to cover most of the budgetary needs for the 2010-11 school year, but is $13,000 short in fulfilling next year's budget.  As presented by the PTA Treasurer, the PTA believes these funds are within reasonable means for a school gift.  The question as motioned before the membership, however, is whether or not to gift that amount at this time and for this purpose.

Next, there is a motion before the membership to increase budgetary spending toward Family Fun Night.  The current budget calls for expenditures of up to $200.  Many members have expressed an interest in a more interactive night, such as a concert with a live band.  Details are still being discussed and nothing has been decided at this time.  Rather than asking attendees for some amount to offset funds through an additional donation or ticket sales, the motion requests an increase of the budget up to $2,500 to present a free night of entertainment to celebrate and thank our McGaugh families.

Finally, attached is the proposed list of names for next year's PTA Board and Committee Chair positions.  These must be confirmed by the membership to be finalized.  If anyone is interested in getting involved, there are still a few openings and plenty of opportunities.

These issues and more will be on the agenda at next month's meeting, and after any further discussion can be voted on by the membership.  Members are encouraged to attend; and if you aren't a member, it's never too late to join!

Interested in how much our children help in Hats for Haiti?  Read about it here.