Friday, November 6, 2009

H1N1 Flu Vaccination Clinics

 Dear McGaugh Parents,
                This flyer came from the Los Alamitos School District Nurse.  It arrived too late for timely dissemination prior to the 31 Oct clinics – but there are additional flu vaccination clinics to be held on 07 November 2009.
                There are a couple caveats to this.  Although you are receiving this information through PTA channels, realize that the McGaugh Elementary PTA neither advocates nor discourages participation in this clinic.  Also note that these clinics are NOT using the vaccination SHOT, as indicated by the flyer, but rather the nasal spray.
                The influenza nasal spray is a bit different (e.g. live virus rather than completely dead found in the shot) than the shot version and has a couple more restrictions.  These restrictions include that your child should be healthy and cannot have asthma.
                Further questions can be directed to the website from the flyer or the District Nurse.
Rick Gordon
PTA President 2008-2010
J.H. McGaugh Elementary